by ENNAIA Team

Whether you work from home or go into an office, your capacity to be productive, feel inspired and feel connected to your job is heavily impacted by your environment. Think about it: Would you rather work in a dark, windowless room or an open space full of light, purpose, and stimulation? It seems most people resonate with the latter, which is why the art of office space design has really evolved in recent years. People are investing more to create spaces that feel comfortable, inviting, and creative in order to enhance both productivity and work-life balance. So, whether you’re a business owner who wants to outfit their office space for their employees, or you work from your own home office, we’re breaking down how we’d choose office art that best suits your needs.

How Can Art Be Used in the Workplace?

First, it’s useful to understand the benefits of office wall art. The most obvious answer is aesthetics. From a purely superficial perspective, office artwork brings the same sense of beauty as art pieces you’d feature anywhere else in your home. If you know wall art, standing sculptures, or framed photographs spark joy for you, chances are you’d also enjoy featuring them in your office. Outside of just creating visual interest, office artwork can also serve as a representation of what you do. Use it as tool to bring your brand to life, connect with clients, and spark creative discussions.

How to Choose Office Art

Now that you see the benefit of including art throughout your office space, it’s time to choose pieces that speak to you, your brand and your mission. Follow these trends to ensure your office artwork does just that:

Convey Your Values

As a person or as a company, we all have values. Are you an engineer who loves solving puzzles and building new things? Maybe a piece like Lock, a series of interlocking links, best reflects your daily work. Or perhaps you’re a freelance designer who values new experiences, expanding your horizons, and trying new things. You’d want something whimsical and fun to feature on your walls, so clients could see your dedication to uncovering the unknown and seeking new opportunities. If you’re not sure where to start, ask yourself what’s important to you? What principles and beliefs do you bring into the office space every day? What are you unwilling to compromise on? The answers to these questions will help you define your values so your office wall art can capture that.

Define Your Story

Every brand has a story. For example, Ennaia story is based on our desire to make high-quality art accessible to everybody, and each of our pieces reflects that. Perhaps your company’s story isn’t so cut and dry. If that’s the case, consider the work you do. Is there a larger narrative? Do you provide goods to a consumer? Is there a specific sector you work in? Find the common thread that links your role to your company and pick art pieces based on that.

Add Bright Colors

This is a fun one because color has the power to influence someone’s mood. In fact, bright colors are more likely to improve your focus, efficiency and brain activity than a drab, gray environment. Use bright, motivational wall art for your office to create a more positive work environment for yourself and your employees. And if you host client meetings, bright art pieces are particularly great for reception areas and waiting rooms as they help set the tone for what’s to be expected. Use this opportunity to go bold and have fun with loud, eccentric pieces that spark conversations and bring your office to life.

Inspire with the Abstract

This trend is a must-do if you work in a creative, collaborative field. Why? Because you’ve likely noticed that a piece of abstract art reads completely different to everyone—and that exchange of views is invaluable to the creative process. Where you see two hands reaching for the sky, someone else may see rods emerging from concrete in the construction process. What looks like a series of unrelated folds could emulate an ancient map leading to life’s greatest treasure. This swapping of interpretations, emotions, and opinions makes for incredible conversations and thought starters that could benefit any coworking (or individual) space.

Ennaia Wall Art for Office Spaces

If there’s one thing you’ve learned, it’s that offices are no longer designed to be boring cubicles with fluorescent lights. People want to work in home-y environments that spark joy, bring peace, and stimulate creativity. And despite changes in interior design trends, we’re positive office wall art is here to stay.

So, if you’re still wondering “what should I put on the walls of my office,” start by browsing our collection of handcrafted pieces. By using our tips above, we know you’ll find dynamic and inspiring pieces that complete your space. And don’t forget, standing sculptures are a striking way to add gravitas to your office and spark conversations between employees and clients. See what an Ennaia piece could do to transform your office today.


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